Friday, April 4, 2008

Rockman Fix: Battle Routine... Set?

On my almost-daily search for good EXE game hack videos, I found this. Perhaps I'll grab a copy of this game later- beating the crap out of people with a Paladin Sword sounds pretty fun.

April Fools Update

Go listen to this MIDI. NAO. If only it were in true 8-bit sound... ah well, MIDI's close enough.

So, you're wondering what's up with the obviously-fake MMNT2. It was just a sample of a project that I'm dubbing Legend Force II. It's a GML Mega Man game that will hopefully feature all sorts of people you know as bosses. I've also got a great little cutscene planned for the final boss, but you'll see that later.

What does this mean for the RPG? Quite simply, the RPG is (and has been for a long time) dead. There just wasn't enough interest. However, don't expect the universe to go away... You'll see it again eventually, though probably not in Legend Force II.

Feel free to leave any questions in the comments. The only reason I say that is because my ego feeds on comments (and the souls of noobs, but that's a story for another time).

On the road, helplessly lost in the EXE1 internet-

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Shoop Da Doop(licate)

Rated PG-13 for *chan jokes and language.

*GeminiMan is sitting in his boss room at a computer. MegaMan enters.*

G: I've been waiting for you a long time.
M: Wait no longer!
G: A looooooooong time.
M: Well, I'm here, so-
G: Do you realize just how long it takes to read the entirety of /b/? A hell of a long time.
M: Can we just fi-
G: But I'm just about to finish it. Just one more post.
M: *shoots computer*
G: O.O You're going to PAY for that!
M: We'll see about that!
G: With ZENNY!
G: IMMA FIRIN MAH LAZOR! *fires Gemini Laser, Mega reflects it with the Wood Shield* What? That's from Mega Man 2!
M: I know. *flashback*

Light: Okay, Rock! Wily's at it again! Unfortunately, to power up the teleport system, you need to give me all your Master Weapons.
M: I don't believe that. Is it your gambling problem again?
L: Don't call it a problem!
M: I think I'll walk, thanks. */flashback*

G: So... I'm screwed, aren't I?
M: Yeah, pretty much. *switches to Metal Blade and pwns*

On the road, fighting to rename FlashMan's weapon the Flash Stopper and BrightMan's weapon the Time Stopper-

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


My media contact's Capcom contact provided him (and thus me) with this more stable build of MMNT2. Download now, before Capcom cease-and-desists me into oblivion! Hurry! Download and put it on Bittorrent or something! Make sure the man (or robot master) doesn't silence this!

On the road, fighting for great peace, everlasting justice, and free movie tickets-

News Update Below

Due to a glitch in Blogger, today's *serious* article appeared below the April Fools one. Go read the BREAKING NEWS now!

Secret Mode in EXE3?

At the title screen:

Start, up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, A, up, A, select x15, start, up, A, A, A

I am not responsible for any effects of this code. Use at your own risk.

Monday, March 31, 2008

BREAKING NEWS: You heard it here first!

My friend in the gaming news industry (you know, GameInformer and the like) recently confirmed for me something truly epic. This combined with a confirmed article on Kotaku (since removed due to copyright claims from the Church of Scientology claims of breaking an NDA) has convinced me, crazy as it is.

Rockman EXE: Network Transmission 2 is in the works for PC.

NT2 will be a side scroller directly adapted from Mega Man 2.

"Think of it more as a remake of Mega Man 2 and less of an EXE game," a programmer on the project said. "It's completely non-canon. All the characters will be replaced with their EXE counterparts, and chips will replace Master Weapons. Also, the game won't be nearly as short as Mega Man 2, but I can't say any more on that."

Later in the interview: "The game's been a bit hard to program. Capcom of America doesn't have a lot of the original resources anymore, and since there's still a lot of rivalry between CoA and CoJ, we can't exactly ask them, so we've been having to get stuff from the community. That's not to say that the final build is going to be using MIDIs like this one, but until we can get somebody here to talk to CoJ, it's going to be hell ripping stuff from the original roms. This project's going to be using stuff from everything on a new architecture... quite honestly, I'd be surprised if it ever sees the light of day."

A little digging uncovered a beta build of the game, which I have uploaded for all to see/play here.

The game runs a bit slowly, and it's clearly not on the original engine, but it's pretty good all around. A and S control Rock, space pauses. It has joypad support, but no title screen as of yet.

Also, be warned that the ending is a tad... anticlimactic.