Saturday, March 22, 2008

A Shinigami walks into a bar...

I started reading the Death Note manga the other day. Spoilarz below.


I want to like Light. I really do. He's such a genius, especially putting the piece of the notebook in his watch. His schemes can sometimes be a bit hard to follow, and I was a little confused when they flashed back to show Light setting everything up before going into jail. All in all, the translation is excellent (no incidents here XD) and it's a great story. I just have to get ahold of volumes 10 and 11 and then my collection shall be complete... *evil laughter*

I think the reason that I like (or at least want to like) Light so much is that his actions early on really hit home. Using the Death Note to kill criminals sounds _exactly_ like something I'd do. Only I'd be more ironic. And I'd probably end up messing up and getting caught. I'm a terrible liar. XD

I also identify with Misa a bit. It's all to easy to get caught up in the whole "me too" thing.

(Observation: "me too" is one space and one letter away from "metool".)

I really like how by about halfway through the series that Light is simultaneously L, Kira and Light. Must be a real expletive to keep his stories straight.

I think that's what I like most about Death Note: the way Light leads a double/triple/quadruple (if you count Watari) life. I think we all have a bit of that in our lives. Heck, I've got three lives just for the intarwebz.

Then again, maybe I'm just a freak.

Probably the second.

Miscellaneous Observations II

I believe I have officially created the most hated SSBB stage ever. It's basically a whole bunch of falling blocks over spikes.

Also, one of my friends took my ego down two or twelve notches yesterday. Unfortunately, I am not the DigitalPh33r nor the Asakura Yoh of Brawl. Ah well.

Flash once said to me that Yoh gets way too much credit. I think he's probably right. Yoh can build some great folders, yeah, but for me, EXE (and every game, really) isn't about using what everyone else uses (I'm looking right at you, Gater). It's about finding what works for you. Take my experience with Crossed Blades. I just couldn't get that folder to work; it didn't mesh with me. So I changed it around a bit and we have Data Drain, the folder that got me second place at OtaRock. And no, I'm never going to let you guys forget that. (Please... I have so little to be proud of... )

Oh yeah, I beat Classic on Brawl on Intense. So nyah.

Got Geometry Wars for the DS the other day. Pretty good game overall, although a tad repetitive. And to anyone interested in it, get the Turret drone first. You _need_ the Turret for the higher levels.

I remember back when we had to use blanks from Pokemon Aaah! to make decent custom Pokemon cards. Now they've got Magic Set Editor and that stuff... Meh. Get off my Grass Stage.

It's really surreal playing through EXE6 in Japanese, because just when you think you know what's going on, it throws you a curveball. The maps are awesome and extremely useful, especially in the Ura Net, and I'm not used to the redrawn areas.

Ages ago, I remember someone on GFAQS (RykenInverse, I think his name was) extolling the superiority of the original Japanese versions. Maybe if you can read Japanese. The only thing that I like about the Japanese version is that it has BLG support. That's freaking _it_. I can't read anything, so I have to carry a guide around with me everywhere just to know which button breathes, which defeats the whole "portability" issue. Speaking of portability, who takes the ginormous BLG and a decent selection of chips with them on the road? Flash probably does, but I bet he has three complete Link sets (:P), and I can't afford to lose any of mine. Except WideBlade and LongBlade. Those chips are _awesome_. Three uses, one-hundred-something damage, and great area coverage, especially with Rock Beast Outed.

Back on topic, though, what does the Japanese version have going for it? Maps, which are useless if I don't know where I'm supposed to go; the Django chips, which are 180-something damage Moko Rushes; and the original area maps, which is such a big deal. ZOMG.


Sorry Japanese-version fans, I prefer being able to read what the heck I'm supposed to do over being hardcore.

Non sequitur: I wonder if I'll be able to come up with a rant like that if I ever get on ELB. Meh, they'd just have to mention EXE4. XD

Friday, March 21, 2008

Beast Link Gate (and a few miscellaneous) Observations

I just discovered today that you can press L or R when you have a gauge of blue or higher to open the Custom Window. This is extremely useful because you can use it to combine your virtual folder with the chips you have lying around. Downside: no attaching virtual powerups to real chips. Don't know if it works the other way around, though.

Rock: Okay! Let's do this!
Lan: *car drives by, crushing all his chips* O.O WRYYYYYYYYY?!

Speaking of WRYYYY, doesn't Fox's Final Smash look like the steamroller move? And what about Meta Knight's? And Luigi's? Three characters (counting the Star Fox characters as one, since that's more or less what they are) have Final Smashes ripped off from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

And speaking of Brawl, the music in that game is phenomenal.

Back on topic, I've been barely using the real chips anymore. The virtual chips don't run out of energy and I barely need chips anyway. I just beat JudgeMan and, let me tell you, I could probably have done it with just the concentrated pwnage that is the Falzar BeastBuster.

Ugh, I hate how those chips run out of energy. I have to plug out every few minutes to get all my Navi chips back.

Back in the days of Style Changes, I was always a Guts man (lolpun) myself, but the BLG has changed that. Now I reach for a refreshing Colonel SP.

Colonel SP: better than MetReflect. Not that that says much. (Sorry, all you MetReflect lovers, but I only ever found one use for it: the ever-present Chip Trader.)

Back on topic, though, I've really become a Navi summon addict. I've used ProtoMan SP when I'm fighting like three Mets. I'm not kidding.

When do you unlock the Navi Change Table? Just looks like a table to me... I want to play as TenguMan! Well, not especially, since it'd mean giving up my Falzar Rock, but still...

Thursday, March 20, 2008

20-Step Guide to Using the Beast Link Gate

Step 1: Get an import copy of EXE6.
Step 2: Get a BLG.
Step 3: Play EXE6 until you get the Beast Out.
Step 4: Save, turn off your game, plug in the BLG, turn it back on.
Step 5: Plug into the intarwebz and get into a battle.
Step 6: Select your chips, wondering why Rock's already Beasted Out.
Step 7: Get hit repeatedly and subsequently deleted by a Met, expecting Rock to move out of the way like EXE4.5.
Step 8: Go back to the intrawebz and get into another battle.
Step 9: Select the highest powered chip you have.
Step 10: Wait for the custom bar to reach the appropriate level.
Step 11: Slot in your chip.
Step 12: Repeat steps 8-11 until either satisfied or your hand snaps off from trying to hold up a GBA and the BLG.
Step 13: There is no Step 13. Nor is there a spoon.
Step 14: Get into a battle with another Navi.
Step 15: Pause for three minutes while you find a chip with the right element.
Step 16: Unpause, slot in your chip, and fire it off.
Step 17: Repause while you get the next one ready.
Step 18: Repeat steps 15-17 until either happy or dead.
Step 19: ????
Step 20: Profit!

In all seriousness, my experience with the BLG has been very much what Flash said about Silver Bullet: "Just a few more minutes until your ultimate demise!" Can you imagine how anticlimactic this would have been in the anime?

Rock: Lan! We've got viruses in the traffic control system, which is why gigantic chunks are flying out of the road and killing people! And the author of this is mixing Japanese and American names!
Lan: Mixing Japanese and American names? OH NOES! I must save the day! PLUG-IN!
Lan: O.O He's not even in the anime!
Rock: Oh, did I say green SparkMan? I meant GravityMan lol.
Lan: *facepalm* Whatever. Battle routine, set!
Rock: We don't say that in the anime, moron.
Lan: We're fighting a Navi from Axess with the Beast Link Gate and you focus on _that_?
Rock: Point taken. Mind sending me some chips?
Lan: One sec. *opens up backpack and turns it upside down, spilling tons of chips on the ground. He starts shuffling them around*
Rock: *is getting pwned by GravityMan* Umm... Lan? I could really use a few chips now...
Lan: *impatient* Hang on. *shuffles some around and sends Sword*
Rock: *still getting pwned* Why Sword? I had enough Custom Gauge for a Giga!
Lan: Hold on one sec, Rock! We're gonna use a /Program Advance/!
Rock: *dies*
Lan: Okay, I'm sending WideSword now! Rock? Rock?

O.o Well, that was an interesting trip into my psyche.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Get Equipped with Beast Link Gate!

Well, my package from FlashMan arrived today. Lurking inside?

A Beast Link Gate!

So that's why I'm probably going to vanish for the next few days.

Oh, and to Protodude, those codes you posted make my game hang on startup. XD

UPDATE FOR GREAT JUSTICE: Well, it doesn't work with my English EXE6, but it came with a Japanese copy of Falzar, so I'm not complaining. Also in the package: a manual (much longer than American ones and shaped differently to boot), a guide that presumably is to the use of the BLG, a few chips (Rockman Navi Data, Colonel Army, ProtoMan, and some snowball thing), and a Link PET skin that shows the two Beast Outs and all the Link Navis.

Also, after unpacking my loot, I had a whole bunch of these papers with a square PET-size screen of static with a few large squares in the corners and a whole bunch of Japanese text. Anybody know what these things are? They say "get" at the bottom, so I'm guessing they might be encrypted lotto numbers for the totally-not-the-NumberMan-trader-thing or something. (And, to Protodude, I won't hold it against you if you turn this into a PRC article.)